Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fanfarekorps Koninklijke Landmacht Bereden Wapens - Musikschau der Nationen 2009

Yesterday they showed a copy of the Musikschau in Bremen on TV and oh my gawsh I loved that music. But my all time favorite was the Fanfarekorps Koninklijke Landmacht Bereden Wapens. Means the Royal Fanfarencorps of the Netherlands.
Listen yourself. They are so awesome and nobody (in my opinion) was able to beat those guys. Not the Germans, not the Brits, not the Americans nor the Portugese....

Check out the website of the Musikschau. Maybe it's something you want to visit while being in Germany.

You also may want to know:

The net receipt of the Musikschau is determined for the work of the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. (German War Graves Commision).

It has my support, that's for sure!



Nils said...

I think all groups at the "Musikschau der Nationen" are special. And all love to come to Bremen. Every year it is a great show. The best is to come to Bremen and watch them live. It is a much better feeling than watching them in TV ;) I know whereat I am talking. I am there for many years (I think it should be now nearly 20 years and I am 24 years old) I think that is due to the fact that our father is one in the orga team ;)

Diana said...

Das schaust du wohl auch sehr gern?

Bist du denn im VdK, weil, du den Link gepostet hast?
Ich bin seit 4 Jahren Mitglied.