I don't know about you but I know that I call my dog back if I see somebody new coming to the dog park. I don't let my dog run up to any new dog because I don't know how that new dog is going to react. I don't know if he is agressive or scared or playful.
So next time I am coming to the dog park call your frickin dogs and don't let them run up to my dog who in this case is the new one. You just don't do that. Don't you people have any common sense at all?
You just screwed up all the work I did.
More than five people standing there keeping on chatting, not even saying hi and watching how your stupid dogs run up to my dog while he is freaking out big time and you not doing anything about it is bloody stupid and ignorant.
You don't let a full pack of dogs run up to the new one. PERIOD!
So next time I am coming to the dog park call your frickin dogs and don't let them run up to my dog who in this case is the new one. You just don't do that. Don't you people have any common sense at all?
You just screwed up all the work I did.
More than five people standing there keeping on chatting, not even saying hi and watching how your stupid dogs run up to my dog while he is freaking out big time and you not doing anything about it is bloody stupid and ignorant.
You don't let a full pack of dogs run up to the new one. PERIOD!
Uhm, no offense, but isn't that what a dog park is for? Letting your dog interact with others?
If your dog is not ready, then why are you going there?
Yes, but you don't let them run up to a new dog. First you check if they actually get along and than you let them interact with each other.
So once you show up, everyone is supposed to put their dogs back on the leash and go to your dog and see if they get along?????
They don't even know that your dog has a 'problem' by just looking at him and I would assume everyone that shows up to a dog park has a social dog that gets along with others.
I have been to many dog parks and that never happend.
Couldn't imagine every time somebody shows up to interrupt all the dogs playing and put them back on the leash or something.
If your dog doesn't get along well with other, just avoid those situations.
My dog never had a problem with other dogs come running and playing as soon as we walk in, no matter if they know eachother or not. They sort that out themselves very quick. And if there's one she doesn't get along with they automatically avoid eachothers company.
Well, when I see a new dog on the leash I do not let my dog run up to him because the dog on the leash can't back up. That should be common sense and as long as I don't know what that new dog is like I don't let them get together either. That is common sense too.
There were more than five dogs. Mine was one the leash and they all ran up to him instantly without him being able to back up. They were right there and should have called them back once they saw that he's freaking out. But they didn't and that is what makes me so mad. They should have watched their dogs and called them back.
I don't expect them to take them back on the leash but I expect them to call their dogs once they see that the new dog is freaking out.
I can relate with you Nelly. My dog was attacked by a pit bull when she was a baby and now she gets all upset when she sees another dog-her hair stand up and she grows. I've warned my neighbor one time not to let her dog get close to mine and she was liked "oh, it's okay" then when my dog tried to attacked hers she got all upset. My dog likes people than dogs because of what had happened to her-she is traumatized. And I just wish that when I warn the dog owner not to let their dog get close to mine that they will just listen so we won't have that problem.
Have a nice day! Maryann
@Maryann: That is what I don't get. You tell them "Please stay away with your dog" and they don't seem to understand. Is it so hard to listen when somebody says "Keep your dog off of mine. He doesn't like other males."
Than they are like "Oh it's okay, mine gets along with other males."
Great when their dog gets along with other males but that doesn't mean that mine does. It's so frustrating, isn't it?
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