Thursday, August 6, 2009

Visiting the Vet on post

I went to the Vet on monday to get Yukon checked out. Well I don't know what is going on but I don't trust that guy. He asked me of what is going on and I told him that I am concerned because Yukon scratches a lot and he didn't do that at my parents place and that is why I want to get him checked on allergies. So he asked about his diet and if I changed it. I told him that I changed it slowly and that he started scratching the minute he moved into our apartment.
That is when he said: Well if there is anything in the apartment you have to move him back to your parents place.
I was like WTF? IF he is allergic to anything I am trying to remove it, I am not giving him back or to somebody else. He's my dog and he stays with me even if it means that we'd have to move out of housing.

Another thing that irked me is that he didn't even try to socialize with Yukon. He just asked the questions, didn't say hello to him, didn't try to pet him, didn't listen to my suggestions, he tried to get right on him to draw the blood. I knew that wouldn't work. Hell that dog was abused by a man, do you really think he'd let another man, he doesn't know, touch him? Especially if you didn't even pet him? No good word, nothing? Instead you are moving fast around him, fast gestures that he interpreted as a threat? How long are you dealing with animals? You are working at the Vet? Go back to school and learn of how to deal with animals. Try to be a little more friendly with pets and maybe they let you treat them.

So he failed epicly to treat Yukon and called the two ladies in. Both are technicians and very friendly, sat down to pet him, talked to Yukon, gave him treats and socialized with him before they did anything else. He already knew them from the registration and seemed to remember both of them. We have not had ANY problem at all to draw the blood for the allergy test. He was very brave and such a good boy.

Later on they gave him a cortison shot to release him from the itching, I don't know if that was a good idea but it released him for almost two days.

However, I am waiting for the call to find out what is going on. Hopefully he's fine and it's just a bad habit.
We did not even go to any training this week because it's hot as hell and he's already exhausted when we get there. So it doesn't make any sense, plus he's been working hard the past weeks anyway. I took him downtown and walked through the Old City. He is doing so great and doesn't have any problems to walk through all these people. He's relaxed and not ducking anymore. The only thing that still irritates him are mirrors.


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