Monday, August 10, 2009

No Lamb, Beef, Pork or Chicken?

I just got a call from the Vet Clinic and was told that my dog is highly allergic to lamb, beef and pork and less allergic to chicken.

I don't even try to find any dog food or treats WITHOUT lamb, beef, pork or chicken... I guess it's better to become a BARF'er to make my own dog food and bake my very own treats.

Tomorrow I have to meet the actual Vet himself and see what he has to say about it. They have a list with everything I can actually feed him so this is getting interesting.

ps: Sandra Annedore is my first name and it sounds so much better than Nelly. So I am using my firstname from now on :)
It makes me look more intelligent HAHA!


Melissa aka Equidae said...

wow never knew that dogs had alergies though i suppose it can be! poor boy he has to become a vegerterian doggy :(

C N Heidelberg said...

You have three names? :) Annedore is cool!

Angela said...

Our dog growing up had doggie diabetes and we had to learn how to take her blood and give her insulin shots. It's crazy how dogs can be so human! :)

I just found your blog via SITS and I's so glad I did! I'm an Army wife too, and we're stationed in Hawaii.

I love your blog layout and the post content is written so well! I totally became a follower!

Have a great day!

Angela from Angela's Soliloquy

PS-Stop by my blog to enter to win a $25.00 Visa Gift Card! It's easy t enter and you can enter multiple times!!

Esther said...

Tut mir leid wegen Yukon. Ich glaube selbstkochen ist da wohl echt die beste Loesung. BTW.. Annedore ist ja mal ein schoener Name! Habe ich noch nie gehoert und englisch ausgesprochen klingt er gleich nochmal so edel ;-)

Sandra said...

@CN Heidelberg: Just the two. Nelly is just a nickname ;)

@Equidae: There are so many dogs with allergies out there it's not even funny. I don't think he has to become a vegeterian. I can feed him duck, goat, deer, turkey, fish and lots of veggis. I guess I have to wait till tomorrow to find out more.

@Angela: wow, doggi diabetes? That's a tough one. Isn't it kind of sad that they have these health issues and most of them are produced by human hand.
Oh I've never been to Hawaai. My husband put it in the wish list but I doubt that we get the spot.

Hope you are having a great monday, I'll stop by at your blog :)

@Sunflower: Danke dir :)
Ich glaube auch das es das beste ist was ich machen kann. Ist jetzt auch nicht so schwierig und bestimmt auch nicht teurer wie ein Sack Spezialfutter, oder speziell zusammengestelltes Trockenfutter.

Annedore ist relativ selten. Früher mochte ich ihn nicht, mittlerweile finde ich ihn auch sehr schön. Muss ich wohl meiner Tante danken haha :)