I know, I know another rant but there is so much stuff to rant about it ain't funny.
We live on post and with the low dollar it's tough if you've got Euro bills on your hand. We are not doing bad but it's hurting. Especially when you have one salary and you can't find a job yourself. However, we pay everything in dollars. Food, have the ESSO (AAFES Gas Card), Car insurance, everything is in dollars except for the female haircut and TV, Phone and Internet.
Yes, TKS is in Euros and they are expensive. Very expensive.
Phone, Internet and TV is 70 something Euros. We don't need a phone. We have cellphone flatrates so why are we forced to take the phone in our package? Why can't we have just Internet and TV that is all we need. My husband doesn't really have any family that he could call in the States so we don't need free calls to the States. If we have to make calls to the States we can get a frickin phonecard and do it that way. We did three calls to the States in half a year. Do we need free calls? NO! WE DON'T!
So why in the world can't we put together what we need? Why do we have to go with what they offer and feed us? Why can't we say "We need Internet and TV, no phone!"
Is it that hard to go with what the costumer wants? Is it so hard to offer flexibel packages?
My husband had the TV and Internet package in the barracks and all of a sudden they don't offer that anymore? Why? Because they are losing money? WTH?
Having two cellphones contracts and the TKS contract is a lot of money, especially with the crappy exchange rate.
The only reason we took TKS is because you get the service the same day you buy it. There are lots of other services off post that are less than half the price but you wait more than a month to actually get it.... that is the only reason we are with TKS (and that it is easier to cancel the service once we PCS).
We live on post and with the low dollar it's tough if you've got Euro bills on your hand. We are not doing bad but it's hurting. Especially when you have one salary and you can't find a job yourself. However, we pay everything in dollars. Food, have the ESSO (AAFES Gas Card), Car insurance, everything is in dollars except for the female haircut and TV, Phone and Internet.
Yes, TKS is in Euros and they are expensive. Very expensive.
Phone, Internet and TV is 70 something Euros. We don't need a phone. We have cellphone flatrates so why are we forced to take the phone in our package? Why can't we have just Internet and TV that is all we need. My husband doesn't really have any family that he could call in the States so we don't need free calls to the States. If we have to make calls to the States we can get a frickin phonecard and do it that way. We did three calls to the States in half a year. Do we need free calls? NO! WE DON'T!
So why in the world can't we put together what we need? Why do we have to go with what they offer and feed us? Why can't we say "We need Internet and TV, no phone!"
Is it that hard to go with what the costumer wants? Is it so hard to offer flexibel packages?
My husband had the TV and Internet package in the barracks and all of a sudden they don't offer that anymore? Why? Because they are losing money? WTH?
Having two cellphones contracts and the TKS contract is a lot of money, especially with the crappy exchange rate.
The only reason we took TKS is because you get the service the same day you buy it. There are lots of other services off post that are less than half the price but you wait more than a month to actually get it.... that is the only reason we are with TKS (and that it is easier to cancel the service once we PCS).
Same here, besides that we have Pounds. Aber wir muessen auch 'ne Menge in Pounds zahlen, so wie Strom, TV Lizenz, Roadtaxes ( was wir zwar wiederbekommen) und das COLA dafuer langt hinten und vorne kaum. Wir allerdings wohnen off Base.
@Diana: holy cow, that's more than we have to pay for. We have no electricity or GEZ (TV Lizenz)yet Cola isn't enough to cover the phone, Cellphone, TV and Internet if you go with TKS. It would be different if it was in dollars. The exchange rate makes you lose so much money.
I can't even imagine how much you lose because the pound is stronger than the euro, isn't it?
Momentan bekommt man für 1 € etwa 87 pence, Euro ist also stärker... Extra für dich grad nachgeschaut ;)
Hui, seit wann ist das Pfund denn so "schwach"...
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