Thursday, July 8, 2010

Always have a Backup Plan

I never thought I'd need an emergency plan for the pets. My hubby can take care of them, I have family that lives close by and some great neighbors that would take care of the dogs in a heartbeat.

Boy oh boy was I wrong. Since it was the fourth of July weekend most of my neighbors went on a short trip and didn't even know until after they got back, hubby had staff duty the next morning and coudn't find a replacement for half a day and since my mother is a German national, she doesn't have an ID card and cannot get on post without us. I know I can get her an installation pass and after everything that happened it would actually make sense to get her one.

Anyhow, I was hospitalized, not knowing whats going to happen with the dogs. I was stressing out over the situation and went literally crazy. What if hubby doesn't find anyone that would cover him? The dogs would be at home for 24 hours, without being taken outside. Do they have enough water? Is Indra in her crate? Does she have water? Is she outside? DO THEY HAVE WATER???!!!???!!!
What about her medication? Did he think to give Indra the antibiotics?
I was calling everybody and couldn't reach ANYONE!!!

In the end things worked out but from now on I will have an emergency plan in place. Just in case. What if hubby would have not found somebody that covered his duty?

You may feel like you don't need a plan, I felt the same way. I was like "Ooh, my neighbors, parents, hubby.. they are there to help." but sometimes Murphy's law kicks in and NOTHING, literally NOTHING works the way it's supposed to. You are in the hospital, your friends are gone, mom can't get on post and your husband is pulling staff duty.

I highly recommend a plan and if it's just for back up. You never know if and when you need it.
From now on I will have at least two plans in place, just in case!
Poor babies were alone at home for over six hours and I was in the hospital stressing over everything and once you are hospitalized the last thing you need is more stress.
The Dog Handler


annoyed army wife said...

Thanks for posting this and raising awareness. I'm thankful that I live next to the best neighbors in the world and we trust them with a house key. If we need them to come over and let our dogs out they have no problem doing it (and spoiling the dogs with treats). We do the same for them. On hot days I check their outside dogs every few hours to make sure they have shade and water.

Sandra said...

Thanks. I believe a lot of people feel to secure when it comes up to emergencies. I thought I was prepared and had to find out the hard way. I guess it's always good to have at least two people that have access to your home in case of an emergencies. :)