Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear Santa...

...I want a Dyson...nuff said...

It's a little early to make a Christmas wish, right?

I love my dogs, I really really love my dogs but sometimes I just want to take a clipper and take off their coat. One of them is shedding like crazy and I have to vacuum clean three times a day which does not go very well with my back right now. I have two furminators. Yes, not just one, two... one went missing and miraculously showed up after I bought the second one and I groom her E.V.E.R.Y day for weeks now. I don't know where all that hair is coming from (I do, I do know where it's coming from, you get the idea) and right now it's driving me crazy.


Dear God, Santa, Nikolaus, Toothfairy... anyone(?)...send me a dyson... I will forever worship you.

The Dog Handler


cirquedemoi said...

HAHA I really know how you feel. Our last dog was a Hovawart, we had him from week 8 until his death and boyyyy did Pascha have long hair ;))) there was no escape, you simply had to get used to it, especially us kids who spend the whole day with him. Never loved a dog so much again though.

Michelle said...

You will not regret the decision to get a Dyson. Hands down the best purchase I've made...ever. I just the Dyson Animal - 2 Chihuahuas and 4 houserabbits made it necessary. That vacuum is AMAZING. I hope Santa brings you one soon!!

Sandra said...

Haha, yeah I've heard many good things about the Dyson Vacuum Cleaner and I really really want one. I guess three German Shedders is justification enough :)

Nicole said...

omg we did our floors yesterday...the vacuum was FULL. It was so nasty!

Sandra said...

I hear you. I guess we have to wait until we get to the US. Right now we have to keep the money together for the Greencard, shipping the dogs and paying the tax for the car once we hit American soil.

It's so frustrating!