Friday, July 9, 2010

"Dog Training Kit Plus" Give Away

So I am joining the fun and host the first Give Away on my blog and since I mainly blog about the dogs, training and what kind of problems you can run into owning multiple dogs the Give Away will be dog related.

I love Karen Pryor products. I first got in contact with the I-Click at the dog club. I've used Clickers before but her Clickers are the best. They are so much easier to use than any other Clickers I've used before and I just love using them and no, I don't get paid to say that. It's simply the truth and they way I feel about that product.

You can win the Dog Training Kit Plus from Karen Pryor which includes:
  • The New Expanded Getting Started Clicker Training for Dogs Book
  • an I-Click
  • a set of Click-a-Trick Cards
  • Click Magic DVD
  • a sample of dog treats

Here are the rules on how to win:
I will run this Give Away in conjunction with a photo contest. Submit the cutest picture of your dog (please no bigger than 450 pixels in width). You have two weeks to submit the picture, I will then host a poll for one week and the winner will be the one who has the most votes.

  1. Become a follower of my blog
  2. Leave a comment
  3. send your cutest picture of your dog to and put Give Away into the subject line and don't forget to leave your name and blog address as well so I know who you are :)
  4. spread the word and blog about it
You can submit pictures from the 9th of July until the 24th of July 2010 and remember I will not accept any pictures that are bigger than 450 pixels in width.

The voting will be held from the 25th of July until the 31st of July.

The most important rule of all is to HAVE FUN!

The Dog Handler


Nicole said...

Hi pretty :)
I'm following! Look for my picture SOON! you know the e-mail address to look for!

great giveaway! I'm going to blog about it on my page too :)

Sandra said...

Hi, I am really looking forward to this. I hope it'll turn out great :)

Nicole said...

Helping spread the word!

Kaylee Rae said...

I'm in! can't wait!

dfdk9 said...

I love the iClick - it's probably the best clicker out there and so easy to click.

I was working on alternating paw touches with Ronja the other day, which requires both my hands, and found out I can put the clicker between my lips and click it with my TONGUE! *LOL*

Sandra said...

I never tried that one before. But you are right, it's the best clicker out there. I usually put it on the floor when I need both my hands. I never had to tape it, just used the big toe to click it.

Sarah said...

I love this!! Can't wait!! :)

Sarah said...

I love this!! Can't wait!! :)

Elizabeth @ The Young Retiree said...

Oh MAN! I can't wait! I will have to find a picture to send you! My little beasties... I mean ANGELS could use this! It's been sooo hard!

Elizabeth @ The Young Retiree said...

Even though I don't want anyone else to know about it... I'm sharing this with all my friends for their little furries too :)

Sandra said...

Thank you Ladies. It looks like we are going to have a lot of fun. I can't wait for more entries. I love all the pictures that got sent in so far. :)

Hope you all enjoy that as much as I do. Should have done that a lot earlier. It's really a lot of fun.

Emily said...

Hey! What a great give away idea! I'll be sending in my picture in a minute :)

Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen said...

I'm not sure if this is a "leave a comment" giveaway or not, but I emailed you a picture of my Chilli!

Heather-Anne said...

Love the contest!