Monday, July 19, 2010

Wouldn't it be nice...

... if we could just snip our fingers and the house would be clean, the laundry be folded and the dishes washed and back in the cabinets?

This house is a mess. Ever since I was in the hospital I have not done much around the house. Hubby kept the kitchen clean but other than that... the dinner-table is packed with clothes, magazines, half a dozen of clickers&wristband and a 20 pound bag of dog treats I am using for clicker training. The floor needs to be mopped and I have to do laundry so bad and i really, really have to dust the furniture and clean the windows. My back is fine now. I shouldn't have any problems for a while but I just can't find the motivation to do any of this. At least I vacuumed the place today, which was really really necessary.
I am a SAHW for the most part so the house should actually be spotless, shouldn't it?
Last week I had an excuse but this week I am doing so much better and I didn't have to take any painkillers today so I have to get my big butt up and clean the darn place. I am sure hubby would appreciate it too. As long as I don't have to run up and down stairs I am actually doing pretty good.

What are you guys doing when you need motivation to clean up the apartment or your house? Could really need some suggestions. Usually I am playing loud music but because we live in a stairwell building I am not trying to considerate of my neighbors, especially since we have three dogs. They are not loud at all, but I wouldn't want to live below us. Especially when Indra has her five minutes and is playing with the kong. Thank god most of them are gone during the day so it is okay but I am trying to be a good neighbor and keep the noise down.

Anyhow, I guess tomorrow I am going to turn it up a little and do some cleaning.
We still have the spare bed in the living room I slept on because it is higher and therefor easier to get up for me. I have to move it back into the guest-room tomorrow.

The Dog Handler


Nicole said...

When I get bored...I clean. But I get so sick of picking up dog toys and folding laundry. Dishes are the worst. The house is spotless on Monday, but the time Friday rolls kitchen table is piled with stuff and my floors need a good scrub! EEK!

Sandra said...

I wished I'd do that too but than I take the dogs and go for a walk.

It's good to know that I am not the only one that has piles of stuff on the table. I just wished I could snip with a finger and it'd be all done. LOL

Kaylee Rae said...

I love to clean a re-organize when I am bored, but I absolutely loathe the dishes! When I need to get motivated I turn on my favorite dancing music but I do also understand where your coming from about being considerate. Hubby and I do "field day" on thursday.. haha. We tackle the house together and usually make games and fun out of it. When I am on my own, if I have no motivation then, it doesn't get done. Good Luck!