Monday, December 13, 2010

The dogs love their new home

One thing is for sure, the dogs love their new home.
It seems like they are having a much easier time to adjust to the new place then we do. As longs as they are together and we are with them they don't have any problems to adjust to new situations at all. And most importantly, as long as they have enough space to run and chase each other, they are totally happy. They've been out for over an hour chasing each other and playing like crazy and right now they are happily sleeping under the dinner table. So yes, the dogs settled in and love to go out the door and run.

As you can tell the snow is gone. Well, it's gotten warmer the past few days and it rained a lot. Today it started to snow again and we are slowly getting it back. Let's see how much snow we get this time.


Anonymous said...

They look like they could not be happier!

Satakieli said...

Thanks for your comment, I've been all over the place lately so haven't had a chance to check in here!

I am so happy that you made it over there ok and it looks like you're enjoying your new home :)

Emily said...

In response to your comment recently.. Oh no!!! :( I was hoping you would still be here! We are actually stationed at Baumholder. We just visited Heidelberg for a day and loved it. I WISH we were stationed there!

I need to catch up on your posts too! I am dying to know how you and your dogs fared on your trip over to the States. I hope you are enjoying your new home! I am already in love with Germany. I'm not sure I'll ever want to go back!

And, these pictures are wonderful! My little dog and cat both settled in very well over here in Germany as well. They didnt seem to notice we were in a whole new country at all! haha! :) Your babies look so happy!