Ever since we reached out there has been some great help and awesome offers.
The Agent Lisa Eddy showed us a place that is simply a dream house. Oh my god, I would love to have that house so bad but it is a little outside our price range. If I had a job it wouldn't be a problem but I don't want to have to call her, saying "Look, we can't afford the place anymore" because I could not find a job.
Another military family is PCS'ing. They have a doggie too, that is actually how we got to know each other. She was looking for somebody to look after her dog. We met up and checked how our dogs would get along together. Turns out that they are looking for somebody to take over their place. The dogs wouldn't be an issue at all and it's 1000 Dollars all utilities included, a month.
We are going there today and check it out. It's suppoed to be small but I don't care. It has 10 Acres of land which is perfect for the dogs and I am so thankful for the offer.
A different option would be to buy a place. We had a NY State Inspector out here and he has a place for sale but is also willed to look out for us.
Our landlord contacted us saying that he could go down in the rent.
But I don't know if I want to live here anymore. There has been so much going on, we still can't close the living room door completely and there is so much cold air coming in that we'll go bankrupt from just heating this place. The handy man did not come out the day after he plugged the airtapes in and he did promise that he'd come out the next day. So we have a superlong cable in our bathroom which I feel not comfortable with.
Even though I love this place and even we put a lot of work and cleaning into it. Just because you love something, doesn't mean you can live with it. So we agreed to look at the 1000 Dollar place and let the dream house go. My husband doesn't even want to look at it because he knows that once he's seen it, he probably wants it too.
There would be a lot that would speak for the dream house. It's central in Watertown, so I wouldn't need a car, I could just walk from spot to spot and find a job. I wouldn't be stuck out in the country and we wouldn't need to purchase a second car.
But we just don't know if I can find a job that fast and we don't want to move into a great place and then find out that we can't afford it afterall.
The 1000 dollar place will give us a lot of room. We'd have BAH money left over that we can put on the side for the next move. We wouldn't need an AER loan at all. We just got our refund yesterday which was a big relief.
I guess some people would have rather had us get rid of two dogs and move on post but that is not going to happen. Those dogs are my life and I'd rather go back to Germany and live with my parents instead of letting go of any of them. We managed to ship them over here, despite everybody saying that we couldn't do it. And to say that the only reason we want to live off post is because of the dog isn't true either. I want to live off post because I want a life outside the Army.
Even if we had no dogs at all I would want to live off post, at least we get to chose the apartment and neighborhood ourselves and I can have a life outside the Army. The Army consumes our everyday life already and decides where we have to go next and what they do with our husbands, at least I want to decide where we live, how we live and how much we are going to pay for it. I am the one that has to live with that place once my husband goes into field or gets deployed.
The Agent Lisa Eddy showed us a place that is simply a dream house. Oh my god, I would love to have that house so bad but it is a little outside our price range. If I had a job it wouldn't be a problem but I don't want to have to call her, saying "Look, we can't afford the place anymore" because I could not find a job.
Another military family is PCS'ing. They have a doggie too, that is actually how we got to know each other. She was looking for somebody to look after her dog. We met up and checked how our dogs would get along together. Turns out that they are looking for somebody to take over their place. The dogs wouldn't be an issue at all and it's 1000 Dollars all utilities included, a month.
We are going there today and check it out. It's suppoed to be small but I don't care. It has 10 Acres of land which is perfect for the dogs and I am so thankful for the offer.
A different option would be to buy a place. We had a NY State Inspector out here and he has a place for sale but is also willed to look out for us.
Our landlord contacted us saying that he could go down in the rent.
But I don't know if I want to live here anymore. There has been so much going on, we still can't close the living room door completely and there is so much cold air coming in that we'll go bankrupt from just heating this place. The handy man did not come out the day after he plugged the airtapes in and he did promise that he'd come out the next day. So we have a superlong cable in our bathroom which I feel not comfortable with.
Even though I love this place and even we put a lot of work and cleaning into it. Just because you love something, doesn't mean you can live with it. So we agreed to look at the 1000 Dollar place and let the dream house go. My husband doesn't even want to look at it because he knows that once he's seen it, he probably wants it too.
There would be a lot that would speak for the dream house. It's central in Watertown, so I wouldn't need a car, I could just walk from spot to spot and find a job. I wouldn't be stuck out in the country and we wouldn't need to purchase a second car.
But we just don't know if I can find a job that fast and we don't want to move into a great place and then find out that we can't afford it afterall.
The 1000 dollar place will give us a lot of room. We'd have BAH money left over that we can put on the side for the next move. We wouldn't need an AER loan at all. We just got our refund yesterday which was a big relief.
I guess some people would have rather had us get rid of two dogs and move on post but that is not going to happen. Those dogs are my life and I'd rather go back to Germany and live with my parents instead of letting go of any of them. We managed to ship them over here, despite everybody saying that we couldn't do it. And to say that the only reason we want to live off post is because of the dog isn't true either. I want to live off post because I want a life outside the Army.
Even if we had no dogs at all I would want to live off post, at least we get to chose the apartment and neighborhood ourselves and I can have a life outside the Army. The Army consumes our everyday life already and decides where we have to go next and what they do with our husbands, at least I want to decide where we live, how we live and how much we are going to pay for it. I am the one that has to live with that place once my husband goes into field or gets deployed.
that landlord sounds like a jerk:( but it's good to know there are people willing to help out. the 1000.00 place seems like a good place to start. like you said, you don't want to agree to a place and then have it not work out. my fiancee and i got into that situation. i wasn't able to find a job and we ended up having to move. with the dogs too, it's a blessing nowadays to find anyone that will allow dogs, let alone german shepherds. i hope everything works out with the place today. keep us all posted
thank you so much. I am hoping as well that everything will work out. I know it's easier once the potential landlords met the dogs and can see for their own that they are well behaved. In the end it's a matter of trust, I guess.
Let's hope that the 1000 dollar place will work out but I am hoping for the best. :)
i agree! i say fingers crossed for the place today. even if it's rough around the edges, the land alone would be great! good luck today dear!
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