Thursday, March 31, 2011

Deers Everywhere

One thing I have noticed about the Ft.Drum area are the Deers. Especially on Ft.Drum itself they come out in the evening hours and are not even scared of you. I have never seen so many Deers in my entire life before. I'd see them here and there as a teenager on trail rides but never in those masses. 

When I was on my way back from the Greg Doud Workshop, a deer walked into the middle of the Highway, stopped, stared into the light and wouldn't move. Thank god I wasn't driving to fast and it was a very close call. I flashed the brights, honked the horns, hit the breaks (poor dogs in the back) and managed somehow to maneuver around the deer. I was so under shock that I didn't dare to drive faster than 40mph for at least another hour. It was a very close call and I am not sure if we had survived the crash. 

The wildlife over here is entirely different from what I am used to in Germany. It's nice to see them out in these kind of masses, not being afraid, however almost hitting one with the car... now that was a scare.

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

Thanks goodness you're okay! You can look for things to put on your car that are supposed to scare or altert wildlife to your vehicle. I haven't tried it myself but have heard of others using them.

Here it's not the deer, but the moose that'll kill you if you hit them. They're the right height to go through the windshield.