Sunday, March 20, 2011

Find - Indication - Refind

She is getting better and better. She picks up so fast, it's amazing. One thing I have to work on is the "Out!" though. It has gotten sloppy and that is unacceptable.

In the last run, the helper, for the first time, went out of sight. When Indra came back she thought she could get away with a sloppy indication. It is important to not cut them any slack. The indication is fully trained and she knows what to do, doesn't mean that she can't try to get away with it. After all they are not stupid. :)


Princesa Loca said...

like the vid u have cute dogs :)

Country Girl said...

Isn't awful when the furball are smarter than we are? lol Love reading up on your dogs!

Sandra said...

It is. haha. She is definitely a very smart girl. You can see the intelligence glowing in her eyes. :)