picture obviously not taken by me! |
Usually I do not get involved with these things. I stay out of them and for a good reason, because you can't win. Especially when you are the voice of reason, you just can't win.
This story however, is so heartbreaking, that I cannot keep my mouth shut. I have to ask myself what happened that people cannot see the obvious, they are so blinded by their misconception of love for animals, they simply don't know when to let go. They avoid the obvious, drag out the inevitable and put animals through hell, prolong their suffering, just because they think they have to keep trying.
That being said, it's never easy to let a dog go, and a story like Kabangs, story, touches our heart. It's unfair. It is. Here we have a dog that saved the lives of children by stopping a motorcycle. A hero dog, and she paid dearly for it.
Her picture and story went around the world and people came together to raise money for her treatment like the Facebook Group "Care for Kabang" for example, she also has her own Website. The money was raised, she then was put on a plane, flown to the US and is now in medical care with UC Davis and was supposed to undergo surgery. Now it turns out that she is heartworm positive and on top of that she needs chemo therapy for an aggressive tumor.
She became a national hero, people donate money for her care but when is enough, enough? When does love, care and compassion turn into cruelty? When is the most humane thing to let a dog go? When is the best service, we can provide for an animal like that, to put them to sleep? Since when can't we see the obvious?
She has no upper jaw, she has went through tremendous suffering, pain and misery and now you want to put her through even more pain and misery by continuing to treat her? Not only that, supposedly she's had a litter of puppies right after she saved these kids. So she did not only lose her snout and run around for two weeks, she whelped a litter of puppies, is celebrated as hero dog and supermom and kept alive for our own selfish reasons.
If that was any other dog, any dog, people would be in outrage over the litter of puppies because it's irresponsible to pump out more puppies that will end up in shelters.
If that was any other dog, any dog, people would be in outrage over the litter of puppies because it's irresponsible to pump out more puppies that will end up in shelters.
Originally she was supposed to come here for reconstructive surgery. Then it was said they were only going to close wounds and not do reconstructive surgery. Now she is heartworm positive and has cancer. So again, when is enough, enough?
How much has Kabang to endure before the world finds the heart to put her out of her misery? The only reason she is kept alive is for our own selfish reasons and not because we care. If we cared, we would make the only right decision and put her to rest so she could finally be in peace without pain and being exploited.
If you truly love Kabang, you let her go! It's the only humane and right thing to do.
I so agree.
The animals do not understand.
Dont prolong their suffering and pain.
I am so glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. It goes beyond my comprehension that she is being put through more and more suffering.
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