Tuesday, July 28, 2009

They can't hide what they are...

I've been thinking about something. I've been thinking about the commercials that are running on AFN. You know the once that tell you to dress up as a civilian, to think and act opsec&persec. It's running all the time and shows how that guy is on a bus station and that you can't point them out.... yeah RIGHT!

Anyone living in a military town can point out a Soldier, doesn't matter if he wears civilian clothes or not. They just can't hide what they are, not in a German town.
First of all it's the haircut. They all have the same military haircut. Secondly they dress differently. No matter how much they try to look European it doesn't work. Third it's the way they walk and act plus they have a different body language.

So if there are a 100 people out there, wearing civilian clothes you can still point them out. Every single one of them and once they open their mouth to say something you know they are American. 85% Americans in town are Soldiers and Military Family Members. And another big thing where you know for sure that it is a Soldier... THE CAR! How many Germans drive a big ass brandnew Mustang or GT with red blinkers and a square license plate? They can dress as much as civilian like they want as soon as you see those big ass trucks, Mustangs, SUV's you know for sure that it is Military. It's like a big red sign saying "I'm a Soldier or Military Family Member of the United States of America" and it's blinking in all colors and makes this weird sounds so everybody can see and hear it.

There is no way in hell they can hide that they are a Soldier. You've got to be blind to not notice that they are military and even if you are blind. With about 85-90% military in town what you think people assume once they start talking?
So to me it doesn't make any sense at all. Especially with smaller places like Baumholder where is nothing around and barely any tourism. It's a joke... a complete joke...



Vivienne said...

The haircut, the shirts they wear, the shoes, the way they walk, facial expressions too (they smile more than normal Germans LOL), true the cars of course, ooooh and: basecaps. :D

Sandra said...

Yep, they just can't hide who and what they are.

Diana said...

Wie wahr, wie wahr.

Anonymous said...

I am a silent reader and I love your blog.

The one thing too that they know you are an American is the white tennis shoes. When I went to Venice with my relatives from the States, they raised the price on the stuff that we are buying. I heard the salesman say " Americanish".

Have a nice day...