Saturday, December 20, 2008

At the mall...

Today I felt strong enough to leave the house and to eat something. Q wanted to go to the mall so bad. I have not been there in ages and we took the OEG to get there. It was an hour ride with the Strassenbahn.

And of course I didn't leave without bringing the camera.
Yeah...I know, I love hats. I recently started collecting them. So far I have 3.


Isn't he a gorgeous? He doesn't know of how good looking he is. I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing ;)


However, the Christmas decoration at the mall is overwhelming. I was literally in awe and took pictures like a tourist.


It's official. Germany has been Americanized haha. WE LOOOOVE RUDOLPH!!! RUDOLPH IS OUR HERO!!! Here is the proof!



The kids obviously love Rudolph and his mates. Can't blame them... can't blame them at all haha


Amazing what they put up in a mall just to make more money, huh?


After two hours we left the mall and took the OEG back to Heidelberg. It took it's effect and I am beat. I just hope that Quasi won't catch the flu from me.

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