Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Team Training

Last Sunday we started our team training with one of the best, if not the best, trainer ny has to offer. One thing I like about the trainer is her brutal honesty. She does not hold anything back and does not accept any kind of bs. She is highly professional and expects the same from her students. Especially from us since we are involved with sar and literally represantatives of our team and have to deal with public perception.
So if I am riding around with a bunch of dogs in my car I can't have them barking frantically in there because it leaves a very bad impression to the public. However, keeping them from doing that is not all that easy because they are feeding off of each other. They literally build each other up.feed off each others excitement and end up rambling in the car. Two together work. Three, it depends which three I put together. If Judge is in the car I can forget about it. He is the worst of all. Very very vocal, super easy excited and very hard to calm down. The new trainer showed us a training method how to teach the dogs self control in these kind of situations. I wonder why I didn't about it myself. It is such a simple concept and all it requires is food, patience and consistency, which I have been lacking in the past months. Anyhow, in the past two days I have worked on those crate games and seen the first results already. I must say they are a god sent. Especially since it does teach self control and is also one more step towards directionals. Thankfully, due to the akc grant, our team has received, we can afford to take classes with her and I am truly thankful for the opportunity. 


Country Girl said...

I hear you!!

And three really does seem to be the magic number, doesn't it?

Sandra said...

Oh yes, it really is the magic number and if one of them gets excited it is merely impossible for the other two not to join. But we are getting there.