Saturday, January 7, 2012

Crate Games

About three weeks ago our Team started to train at Debbies Zappias. The first thing she did was teaching us "Crate Games" from Susan Garrett. It teaches the dog self-control and motivation. 
It has various effects on the dog. They get calmer in the crate, not only in the house but also in the car and I can see the results especially in the car and in the house while I'm working with one of the dogs. Every single dog calmed down to the point where they don't go nuts anymore. 
In fact I can start keeping Indra on the Platform while I work with Nala on the Crate Games.

I wanted to release Nala out of the crate. By doing so, I released Indra as well, since I use the same release for all the dogs. So I ended up releasing Nala by calling her name. However, sadly when I put the camera back up I didn't have the Platform in the picture. If you look closely you can see Indras foot though. She was doing great, not getting up a single time in ten minutes of work. 

Also, Nala had an intense "kennel-drive". Meaning she'd go ballistic in the car when she saw or heard another dog working. That pretty much is gone. Indra destroyed one crate in the car because she could not stand that my teammate took her dog on a search. Crate Games pretty much cured these problems. So anyone having issues with their dogs in the car, having to buy re-inforced steel crates should seriously consider doing Crate Games, because it works.


Bettina said...

Schöne Seite, aber sag mir noch mal was von wegen dass meine Blog ständig umziehen *gg*
vlg aus Bayern

Sandra said...

Hey, den hier hatte ich schon ne ganze Weile, hab sie nur zusammengelegt weil ich nicht gut darin bin zwei Blogs aufeinmal zu fuehren LOL

Bettina said...

Also bist du gerade von dem anderen wieder auf Hals über Kopf umgezogen? ;)